Safety Travel Tips For Safe And Healthy Travel

Author: Priyanka Saxena on Feb 05,2024
Paper note with text travel safety tips

Discovering new and exciting places is what traveling is all about. We know every journey comes with its worries, and it's better to take some preventive measures before going out. Ensuring some safety tips before going on the road might save you from any problems in your travel plans. You can talk to friends or consult your travel agents to get some more details. Here we have listed the tips, and tricks for a better traveling experience.

  • Keep your travel plans to yourself as much as possible.
  • Try not to travel at night.
  • Avoid going to suspicious places in the city that you visit.
  • For any safety tips to keep in mind during your visit, consult your hotel manager.
  • If you are traveling abroad, then carry the contact details of your country's embassy.
  • Keep a photocopy of your important documents in a safe place.
  • Don't use ATMs at night when there is no one around.
  • Skip cash and rely on credit cards.
  • If by any chance you get mugged, don't fight back. There is no point in fighting back and getting injured.
  • Avoid fights and riots at all times.

Transport Safety

  • At the airport, always watch your luggage. Don't wait for the crowds to disperse-you might find that someone has stolen your bag.
  • Avoid changing your currency at the airport, as thieves will be watching out for that.
  • Consult your travel agent or hotel manager about public transport and make sure you know what the official vehicles look like because there have been cases where thieves pose as taxi drivers.
  • Don't share taxis or personal vehicles with strangers.
  • If you have rented a car, then while driving, keep all your doors locked and windows up because carjacking is a major problem in tourist places.

Hotel Safety

  • If possible, choose hotels that use unmarked swipe cards rather than numbered keys for the rooms because if by any chance, you lose your swipe card, the thieves wont know which room to enter.
  • Take all the important contact numbers from the reception, and also take note of emergency exits just in case.
  • Always lock your door whenever you go outside. Lock them when you are inside your rooms as well. If a chain is provided, use it.
  • When you are meeting someone you have never met before, ask them to wait in the lobby. Never ask them to come up to your room.

Dont Stand Out in a Crowd

  • Even if you are exploring the place that you have visited, walk like you have a purpose.
  • Match your dressing style to that of the locals and dont wear anything crazy expensive like a loud shirt and don't have your camera slung around your neck.
  • While map reading, be discreet.
  • Watch out for people around you and make sure no one is following you around.

Don't Make Yourself an Attractive Target

  • Don't wear any expensive jewelry when going out.
  • Wear your valuable items such as credit cards and documents on a belt worn under the clothes.
  • If you feel vulnerable then wear your money belt somewhere else as the thieves know about money belts too.
  • If possible, carry a dummy wallet with you having a small amount of cash. If you are confronted by a mugger, you can hand over your dummy wallet, and everything will be fine.

Beware of Scams

  • Thieves come up with comprehensive plans to rob you. Some of these may include:
  • Posing as a police officer to check your belongings for the safety of the people.
  • Posing as a tour guide to show you the tourist spots around the city.
  • While buying food and drinks from the store, they may slip sedatives in them.
  • Consult your hotel manager regarding the common scams that take place in the city.

Where to Get Help

  • Travel agent
  • Embassies
  • Local Police
  • Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Some More Safety Tips

  • Do adequate research before you travel: A fundamental travel rule is that, dont be ignorant about where you are going. Please make an effort to learn about the place you are about to visit, like its political situation, cultural norms, the safest spots for travelers, and safe accommodations to stay. Go through the brochures and make sure you know the place pretty well before arriving.
  • Blend in with your surroundings: Once you are completed with your research, you can start your visit as if you were a local. This is a good safety tip. If you stick out like a sore thumb with your massive backpacks and cameras, you will make yourself more vulnerable to con artists. If you visit places of worship, make sure to dress modestly and try not to disrespect the locals. Be prepared for any accident, and always carry a first-aid box. 
  • Keep your belongings safe: Avoid carrying too much luggage and try investing in a small sturdy lock for your luggage. If you have hand luggage, never leave it unattended. Buy wallets that have RFID protection to avoid identity theft. Identity theft is a severe but prevalent issue that you need to avoid at all costs. Thus, it is advised to keep your luggage with you always.
  • Get travel insurance: Even if you dont often travel, dont hesitate to take out travel insurance. It will cover any unexpected injuries and trips to the hospital and protect you from theft or loss of personal belongings.


As you embark on your next journey, remember that while the thrill of discovery awaits, so too do potential challenges. Implementing these comprehensive safety measures can significantly enhance your travel experience and provide peace of mind throughout your adventures. By keeping your travel plans discreet, remaining vigilant in unfamiliar surroundings, and safeguarding your belongings, you empower yourself to explore confidently and responsibly. Remember, preparation is key, so conduct thorough research, blend seamlessly into your environment, and prioritize the safety of yourself and your possessions. In the event of unforeseen circumstances, travel insurance stands as a vital safeguard, offering protection and assistance when you need it most. With these precautions in place, you can fully embrace the wonders of travel, knowing that you've taken proactive steps to ensure a safe and memorable journey.


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