10 Best Things to Do on a Romantic Rome Vacation

Author: Priyanka Saxena on Mar 04,2021

So, are you prepping yourself up for Rome vacations on your next trip to Italy? A trip to Rome is like the jack of all trades— you are there on your most awaited Rome vacation with the love of your life and it’s like nothing else in the world. And, the best part is you can scour the aesthetically pleasing spots of Romantic Rome on your feet. To help you plan your next Rome vacation, we’ve created this article — 10 Best Things to Do on a Romantic Rome Vacation. 


Rome is a city that won’t ever fail to IMPRESS you! It’s one of those top cities, you visit and realize what massive beauty this amazing place upholds that you can’t ignore & fall in love with. On your Rome vacation, you’ll get to see and do hundreds of things— some quirky, some romantic & educational. You literally get to learn so much of history in Rome and the food is just the best in the world. 


Only in Rome is it possible to understand Rome.” — Goethe


So, what are we waiting for? Let’s get on to this endless journey of romance, glamour, and fascination! Let’s explore the best things to do on a romantic Rome vacation:


10 best things to do on a Romantic Rome vacation:


1. Toss coins together at Trevi Fountain



Italy has changed. But Rome is Rome”. — Robert De Niro


If you believe in LOVE & want to do some unbelievably fancy things in love, I’m sure, you can’t miss going to this place. Trevi Fountain is among the world’s best fountains. With a dimension of 20m*26m, Trevi Fountain is the largest fountain you would see on your Rome vacation— it’s largest in Rome. 


Why is it the best thing on your Romantic Rome vacation? Because of the myth of “throwing coins in the water”. People believe— throwing ONE coin into the water means returning to Rome, TWO coins means falling in love with a handsome Italian & throwing THREE coins means, you’ll marry the person you love. 


2. Stroll along the Tiber river



I found Rome a city of bricks and left it a city of marble.” — Augustus Caesar


Strolling from Lungotevere Sangallo to Lungotevere degli Altoviti wondering at the intricacies of the Hadrian Mausoleum construction is one of the best things to spend some time with your sweetheart. And, when you cross the river on Ponte Sant’Angelo bridges or Ponte Vittorio Emanuele II, you feel like there could not be another place in the world to discover each other more. 


Why is it the best thing on your Romantic Rome vacation? There’s nothing more romantic than holding your beloved hands and strolling along the Tiber River. It’s unbelievably one of the most romantic things to do on your Rome vacation. The lights gently flickering in the calmness of the water creates a romantic ambiance & is perfect for a date night. 


3. Explore Rome On A Horse Carriage



You can trust the local horseman— he’ll take you through all the ancient landmarks of Rome including the St. Peter’s Basilica & the Mausoleum of Augustus & he’ll also acquaint you with some of the real stories of the past. The ride is all comfortable and you do not have to worry, the seats are designed to get you a great experience. This is going to be one of the most romantic things specifically if you are going for the ride in the evening. 


Why is it the best thing on your Romantic Rome vacation? It was roaming through the cobblestone streets on a horse carriage that brought that fire of love all over again, one of my friends was telling me who had been to a romantic Rome vacation a few days back. Exploring the city on a horse carriage is like traveling into the era when only horse carts existed. 


4. Tour the Colosseum together



Rome will exist as long as the Coliseum does, when the Coliseum falls, so will Rome, when Rome falls, so will the world.”— The Venerable Bede


Colosseum is one of the top monuments in Italy and it has represented Rome since 80 AD. It is not wrong to say, even though a few sections of the original marble facade got pilfered over the years, the Colosseum still looks the same— and we can’t believe it stands here for over 2,000 years. There are some great things you will see on your tour through the Colosseum— the Oppian hill, the Arch of Constantine, and you’ll know about the greatest show on earth once you are inside the Flavian Amphitheatre.


Why is it the best thing on your Romantic Rome vacation? There is no doubt about Rome being one of the most romantically beautiful cities in the world. There is something in the air around, which makes the Colosseum one of the top romantic destinations in Rome for couples to visit together on a Rome vacation. At every turn, Rome brings you an encounter with history, romance, love & whatnot. 


5. Cross the Ponte Sisto



Rome is not like any other city. It’s a big museum, a living room that shall be crossed on one’s toes.” — Alberto Sordi


Ponte Sisto, a bridge that crosses through the Tiber River leading into the Trastevere at Piazza Trilussa is one of the best things to do on your Rome vacation. The Ponte Sisto bridge was built in 1475 by Pope Sixtus IV Della Rovere and that is why the year 1475 is considered a holy year in Rome & particularly at St. Peter's Basilica, which is the central location for a variety of religious celebrations. 


Why is it the best thing on your Romantic Rome vacation? Passing the wonderful cobblestoned roads and the beautiful alleyways, you reach the Ponte Sisto, which is the most spectacular stone bridge in Rome that straddles the Tiber River. Watching the amazing views of the Vatican on the skyline from this century-old bridge at dusk— is just about romance. 


6. A drink from the Terrace of the Hadrian Mausoleum



Rome is magic.” — Maria Grazia Cucinotta


The Mausoleum of Hadrian (Castel Sant’Angelo) is a monumental tomb built in AD 139 by Emperor Hadrian for the burial of himself, future successors (up until Caracalla in AD 217), and his relatives. With many later expansions, the Mausoleum was converted into a fortress, a prison, a palace, and most recently a museum. The ashes of the late emperor Hadrian’s mausoleum & his wife were the first to have been interred here. Later on, the ashes of the subsequent emperors and their families were also deposited here. 


Why is it the best thing on your Romantic Rome vacation? For couples looking for some splendor & eternity, enjoying a drink from the terrace of the Hadrian Mausoleum is one of the most recommended things to do on a Rome vacation. Enjoying the spectacular view of the river Lungotevere, Castel Sant’Angelo is more than anything. 


7. Cruise along the Tiber



I think there are two cities in the world – New York and Rome.” — Frank McCourt


Tiber (Tevere) is the third-largest river in Italy! It passes through the Romantic city of Rome winding down from the Apennine Mountains. The 250 miles (400 kilometers) long river in Rome has played a crucial role in shaping up the history of Italy since its foundation. For visitors, a Rome vacation is incomplete without enjoying the spectacular 360-degree views on a Hop-On Hop-Off cruise along the Tiber River. 


Why is it the best thing on your Romantic Rome vacation? The river cruise allows you to hop on and off as many times as you wish to, which gets so many moments to enjoy for couples. This is one of the best things to do on Rome vacations— couples get to see ancient Roman bridges & Ponte Sisto from a number of different angles. 


8. Walk where Caesar and Cleopatra celebrated their love



Oh, Rome! my country! city of the soul!” — Lord Byron, English poet


Cleopatra while living in Rome had a great impact on a number of things in Rome including religion, culture, and sense of fashion. Historical texts reveal that while she wasn’t that beautiful but it was her intellect, her sense of making things right that attracted men, and Julius Caesar fell for her — for one of those reasons. 


Why is it the best thing on your Romantic Rome vacation? Caesar and Cleopatra was probably the most popular love story in the history of Rome— the two lived together in the Horti Caesaris. For couples on a Romantic Rome vacation, they can’t miss experiencing the love-laden air of the Caesar’s Gardens. There is nothing more romantic than walking hand-in-hand with the love of your life to the place where the legendary couple celebrated their relationship. 


9. Tour The Vatican City & discover the Italian Artistry



Rome is not like any other city. It’s a big museum, a living room that shall be crossed on one’s toes.” – Alberto Sordi.


Encircling a 2-mile border with Italy, the independent city-state, Vatican City is one of the best things to see when you are in Rome. Surprisingly it covers just about 100 acres, which is just about one-eighth the size of New York’s Central Park. It is the smallest fully independent nation-state in the world. Only three of the six entrances are opened to the public. The pope governs the Vatican City’s monarchy. The Vatican prints its own stamps, mints its own euros & issues passports. Revenue comes from the museum stamp, admission fees, and souvenir sales.


Why is it the best thing on your Romantic Rome vacation? If you are on a Romantic Rome vacation, you cannot miss exploring Vatican City. The museums are revered for the aesthetics that they hold. You can’t stop yourself but go head over heels all over after looking at those beautiful sculptures, motifs, and plenty of immaculate carvings. 


10. Enjoy the views at Aventine Hill



Rome was a poem pressed into service as a city.” — Anatole Broyard, American writer


Rome was built on seven hills and the Aventine Hill was one of those seven hills. The part of the city standing on the hill is often referred to as Reme. Aventine Hill was southernmost of all the seven hills and it was where plebeians lived. Late in the Imperial Era, patricians and aristocrats started living here. Today, calmness & peace reverberates in every part of the hill!


Why is it the best thing on your Romantic Rome vacation? The Aventine Hill is one of the best places to find some peaceful time to spend with your partner, romance & enjoy each others’ company. All inundated with ruins, gardens & groves— the neighborhood is a great place for couples madly & badly in love. From here, you can also explore Testaccio, which is located southwest of Aventine down the hill. 


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