Eco-Friendly Travel: Reduce Plastic Waste While Traveling

Author: Nidhi Sood on Feb 22,2023
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Traveling is a great way to explore new places, meet new people, and learn about different cultures. However, as travelers, we are responsible for minimizing our environmental impact, especially when it comes to plastic waste. To reduce the use of plastic, it's of prime importance to understand the repercussions of increased plastic waste and why it is necessary to reduce its usage. Plastic is a non-biodegradable material that takes hundreds of years to decompose and can harm human health and the environment. In this blog, we will discuss the effects of plastic on human and environmental health, the different types of plastic waste, and methods to reduce plastic and make your travel eco-friendly


Effects of Plastic on Human Health


Plastic can have various harmful effects on human health, from exposure to toxic chemicals to the ingestion of microplastics. Plastic products contain several harmful substances, such as BPA and phthalates, that can leach into food and beverages. When we consume these products, these chemicals can accumulate in our bodies and lead to health problems such as cancer, reproductive issues, and developmental delays.

Additionally, plastic waste in the environment can break down into smaller pieces over time, resulting in microplastics that can be ingested by marine animals and eventually make their way into the human food chain. A recent study found that humans ingest an average of 50,000 particles of microplastics each year, which can cause inflammation and damage to our organs over time.


Effects of Plastic on the Environment


The effects of plastic on the environment are staggering, as plastic waste is one of the most persistent and harmful pollutants on our planet. The primary issue with plastic is that it needs to be biodegradable. Unlike organic materials, plastic does not break down over time. Instead, it photodegrades, meaning it is broken down into smaller and smaller pieces by the sun's ultraviolet rays. This process can take hundreds of years, which means that every piece of plastic ever made still exists in some form today.

The accumulation of plastic waste in our environment is alarming. Plastic waste can be found in oceans, rivers, and landfills. It poses a significant threat to wildlife, as animals can become entangled in plastic waste or mistake it for food, leading to suffocation or starvation. Additionally, plastic waste can leach harmful chemicals into the soil, contaminating our water and food supply.

Furthermore, the production and disposal of plastic also contribute to greenhouse gas emissions, which have a negative impact on our climate. The process of producing plastic involves the extraction of fossil fuels, which is a non-renewable resource. The transportation of these materials also contributes to greenhouse gas emissions. Once the plastic is produced, it must be transported and disposed of, which also requires energy and resources. 


Types of Plastic Waste


There are many types of plastic waste that travelers encounter, including single-use plastic bottles, straws, bags, and packaging. Single-use plastic products are used once and discarded, contributing to the global plastic waste crisis. Plastic bottles, for example, are one of the most commonly found items on beaches and in oceans. They take hundreds of years to decompose and can cause harm to marine life if not disposed of properly. Plastic straws are another common item that can harm aquatic life, as they can be ingested by animals or entangled in their habitat.

Packaging is another significant source of plastic waste, especially in the food industry. Many pre-packaged snacks, meals, and drinks come in plastic containers and wrappers that often need to be recyclable. This creates a significant amount of waste that can end up in landfills or the environment.


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Methods of Reducing Plastic Use When Traveling


  • Carry a Reusable Water Bottle

One of the easiest ways to reduce plastic waste when traveling is to carry a reusable water bottle. This will help you to avoid buying bottled water, which is a significant contributor to plastic waste. Instead, you can refill your bottle at water fountains, taps, or even with filtered water if you have a water filter. Additionally, carrying a reusable water bottle can help save you money on drinks while traveling, as buying bottled water can add up over time.


  • Use a Reusable Shopping Bag

Another way to reduce plastic waste when traveling is to use a reusable shopping bag. Many countries around the world charge a fee for plastic bags, and carrying a reusable bag can help you save money while reducing the amount of plastic waste produced. Additionally, carrying a reusable bag can come in handy for carrying snacks or souvenirs while traveling.


  • Bring Your Toiletries

Instead of using the single-use toiletries provided by hotels, bring your toiletries in reusable containers. This will help you avoid contributing to the plastic waste generated by hotels and resorts. Additionally, getting your toiletries can help you save money on travel-sized toiletries, which can be expensive. 


  • Avoid Disposable Cutlery and Straws

When eating out while traveling, avoid using disposable cutlery and straws. Instead, carry your reusable cutlery and straws. Many restaurants and cafes worldwide are starting to phase out disposable cutlery and straws, but it's always a good idea to be prepared and carry your own.


  • Buy in Bulk

If you're planning to stay in one place for an extended period, consider buying in bulk instead of individual portions. This can help you avoid excess packaging and reduce the amount of plastic waste generated. Additionally, buying in bulk can help you save money over time.


  • Use Reusable Containers

If you're planning to take food while traveling, use reusable containers instead of disposable ones. This can help you avoid generating plastic waste while saving you money on disposable containers. Additionally, using reusable containers can help you avoid spills and leaks that can occur with disposable containers. For example, sunscreen is an everyday item used when traveling to sunny destinations. Instead of buying a new bottle of sunscreen every time you travel, consider investing in a refillable, eco-friendly sunscreen container. This will reduce the amount of plastic waste generated during your travels and is a small but significant step towards protecting the environment. So, be mindful of your plastic usage while traveling and make eco-friendly choices wherever possible.


  • Choose Eco-Friendly Accommodations

When choosing accommodations while traveling, look for hotels and resorts with eco-friendly initiatives. This can include providing guests with reusable water bottles, using biodegradable or compostable toiletries, and reducing plastic waste. Also, choosing eco-friendly accommodations can help you support businesses committed to reducing their environmental impact.


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Traveling can be a fantastic experience, but it's essential to be mindful of our impact on the environment while doing so. Plastic waste is a significant problem worldwide.  Overall, the effects of plastic on the environment are significant and far-reaching. We must take action to reduce the amount of plastic waste we produce and adequately dispose of it. By carrying reusable water bottles and shopping bags, bringing our toiletries, avoiding disposable cutlery and straws, buying in bulk, using reusable containers, and choosing eco-friendly accommodations, we can all do our part to reduce plastic waste while traveling. Together, we can make a difference and help protect the planet for future generations.

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