Decluttering it Marie Kondo's Way- Efficient Packing Tips!

Author: Priyanka Saxena on Feb 24,2021

What is the secret to efficient packing tips & decluttering like the master organizer Marie Kondo?


The KonMari Method is Marie Kondo's minimalist-inspired approach, which teaches us how to help ourselves declutter category-by-category. The goal of decluttering and keeping it organized is to spread the sparkle of joy. Marie Kondo has inspired millions of people with her art of decluttering and keeping it clean. She has also written the bestselling book “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up” & she also hosts the popular Netflix show “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo”. Today she has become one of the popular names in almost every household. On her crazy-popular Netflix show, she literally visits many American homes helping them declutter, and over the years the KonMari Method gained overwhelming popularity. 


If you want to know how to become a pro-packer, you need to follow Marie Kondo, master organizing tricks & tips. The unparalleled method that she talks about — be it her bestselling book or her Netflix show, everything is beyond every other trick. Unlearn everything, you must have learned before this, we’ll teach you how to get that right using Marie Kondo's way. 


What is the KonMari Method?


It’s the minimalist-inspired approach discovered by Marie Kondo, which teaches you how to tackle your stuff category-by-category. The KonMari method includes six efficient packing tips to get started with decluttering & getting ready for your leisure travel. 


1. Commit to Tidying up.

2. Visualize your IdeaL Life.

3. Discard Off that you don’t need. Before getting rid of every item, thank it for serving the purpose as it did. 

4. Clean it up by category rather than by location.

5. Following up the right order.

6. Ask Yourself if that sparks Joy all over.


Whether you are packing it up for your next vacation or are just about doing your home— the KonMari method will apply and get you that sparkle of joy. One of the worst things is dealing with all those newly bought stuff cluttered all over the place making you go crazy. If it’s all over the place, there’s much chance, you feel disoriented with no clue how to declutter. So that you do not face that initial stress of traveling— overpacking, forgetting essential items— follow some efficient packing tips from Kondo. Read on to know about her extraordinarily game-changing efficient packing tips:


Pack Only those Items that SPARK Joy!!


1. Choose a Suitcase that Works for you



Don’t be stuck with the old one! If something keeps bothering you to upgrade your suitcase just apply KonMari efficient packing tips. When you are traveling around the world, the only home where you place yourself (as in your stuff) is your suitcase. So, it has to be something that sparks JOY, that makes you happy every time you open it— much like you want to feel when you enter your home. According to Kondo, the most ideal suitcase is the one that —is lightweight, durable, and most importantly that is appropriate for the length of the vacation. This is one of the most efficient packing tips one can take home from Kondo’s advice. It is never a great idea to use a massive suitcase for a weekend getaway— if that is what you are doing, it is going to be filled with plenty of non-essentials that you don’t really need. Kondo suggests a lightweight suitcase or a travel bag with smooth wheels will make the journey a happy one and keep you calm during your rushed travel day. 


2. Know the Difference between Folding & Rolling.



Kondo says, “Because I fold my clothing using the KonMari Method, it’s easy for me to pack quickly the day before I travel—which is usually the case, since I travel often. Not only does this folding technique keep clothing neat and wrinkle-free, but it also maximizes the space of the suitcase.”


Why do you think the KonMari folding technique or the Kondo efficient packing tips are better than any other technique? The secret to KonMari-ing your suitcase is storing every item or every cloth side by side rather than keeping it stacked one on to the other. When you are packing up your clothes vertically, it takes up less space, it enables you to utilize the height of your suitcase & most importantly it makes it easy to take a glance of your stuff at once. 


3. Get Rid of your digital clutter



After you are done with KonMarrying your suitcase with immaculately folded rows placing your essentials wrinkle-free vertically, you need to get rid of all that digital clutter that’s making you feel ridiculous— that’s another in the list of Kondo’s efficient packing tips. So, how do you get rid of the digital clutter from your phone? Kondo says, be ruthless with all the useless photos on your phone as much as you are with your papers and the closet. Just Delete, Delete & delete!! Keep only a few photos that will actually bring joy to your face. Everything else that you have been harboring along is just doing nothing but being a hurdle for you to get along your way happily! Follow KonMari’s efficient packing tips & get rid of the unwanted digital clutter before you venture out.


4. Compartmentalize your baggage



Kondo says, you should never travel without compartmentalizing your baggage— it keeps your mind stress-free & it’s another in the list of her efficient packing tips you should never forget about. You should always carry a box-like case that you can always carry along and where you can keep your essentials. In fact, you should have separate compartments for each of your things you want to carry along. Since Kondo believes in the purifying and healing properties of gemstones and crystals, she recommends the use of cleansing crystal compartments. “You are extremely limited in space, so it’s vital to carefully choose what you’re going to bring with you when traveling. Before I pack, I carefully review my itinerary and select the items that will maximize my ‘spark joy moments for the trip”, says Kondo. 


5. It’s Important to Pack those Boring Travel Essentials



There would be some items that won’t in particular spark the JOY from within but without them, you would be lost in a foreign land. What about travel documents, extra chargers, adapters, and your water bottle? You can’t miss these things and they are an extremely essential part of the efficient packing tips. Can you survive without them on a week-long trip? Certainly not! Kondo says, if something that is essential, but does not spark joy, try imagining all those good things about them. Change the way you look at those items, concentrate more on how these items are going to keep you safe throughout the trip. Imagine what you would do without your charger, you would not be able to charge your phone and get those beautiful pictures that will help you reminisce about the trip. Imagine what magic does it bring into your life!!


6. Keep a Part of Your Suitcase to Fill it with New Treasures



Another in the list of efficient packing tips, Kondo talks about is — you must keep about 10% of empty space in your suitcase. So, this will make sure you are going to bring back a lot of new treasures. Not only does this keep space for souvenirs in your suitcase, but this will also make sure it looks tidy & clean even after you have packed along, all your new treasures. So, make sure you are choosing the size of the suitcase in a way that can easily fit in — all the essentials and still would be left with 10% space for all the new treasures to be added in. 


7. Unpack Right after you Come back Home



So, you often feel that agony of unpacking when you are back from the trip. But the efficient tips from Kondo suggest, the first thing you must do when you are back from vacation is “unpacking”. Kondo says. “Try reframing your thoughts and view the unpacking process as part of the trip itself, which helps bring energy to complete the task.” Another part of the efficient packing tips include whipping the wheels of the suitcase after unpacking. While you unpack, show your gratitude to every single item, Kondo says, while you unpack say, “Thank you for helping make my trip a joyful journey”. Never forget to express your gratitude to your suitcase, after all, it carried along with all your luggage. 


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