Tips For Traveling With Disabilities: Time For A Smooth Travel!

Author: Priyanka Saxena on Mar 17,2021

“The world is a book and those who don’t travel, read only one page.”- Saint Augustine! If that’s true, then why do people skip reading the finest chapters of life just because they are disabled? 


Human beings have a fundamental desire for traveling. We all love the excitement and thrill of a vacation. There are more than a billion disabled people in the world. However, the number of them traveling is almost negligible. And the main reason behind this is the lack of accessible options when an individual is traveling with disabilities. We,, understand this gap, and hence, we have come up with some tips that will provide you the courage to travel irrespective of your disability! 


Travel by disabled persons is referred to as “Disabled Travel” or “Accessible Travel”. While traveling with disabilities if you are not prepared, the whole journey will become a difficult task. This will make you feel nervous before you step out of your house. This is the reason, it is always vital to stay prepared with everything. No matter how prepared you are, there are still some chances of obstacles. However, being prepared surely minimizes the risks. It is important to know the common problems, find the right destination, choose an appropriate accommodation, and learn about the tips to make everything simpler. This way, you can avoid surprises that you are not prepared for. No matter if you want to explore a small town or have the desire to go on a trip to several cities, we have got some travel tips that will definitely help you in making your travel interesting, secure, and enjoyable. Always remember- “Disabilities only means possibilities.”


It’s time to be in charge of your trip, plan a little, and make your travel easier and secure right from the start to the end. Let’s get started!!!!


1. Plan Everything In Advance


You will get to hear this all the time when you talk about traveling with disabilities. Traveling, in general, is an exhaustive task, even if you are not a disabled traveler. This is why it is quite important to plan a trip. While traveling with a disability, you must book everything in advance and do a lot of research to learn every detail about your destination. It will not just make your travel easier, but will also reduce the unforeseen events that might come along the way. This tip will go a long way.  Keep this in mind- “Never underestimate the value of planning.”


2. Replicate Your Daily Routine


This is the travel tip that not everyone will tell you. Till today, people are not aware of the importance of following a daily routine. Especially while traveling with disabilities, it is vital to focus on your stamina and try to remain energized. Not all people are comfortable with a changed routine which includes a lot of roaming here and there. So, always plan your vacation in and around your daily routine. Remember- “If you require it at home, you must add in your travel schedule as well!”


3. Look For Travel Insurance That Includes Your Disability


“Is travel insurance worth it?”- If this is your question, then the answer will always be YES! Traveling with insurance is much more important than you can ever think. It helps to cover your losses when you are in an unknown land. However, not all travel insurance covers medicare. So, when you are traveling with disabilities, you must do proper research and go deep into the various travel insurance policies. Choose the one that provides you a cover on your disability when you are traveling overseas.


4. Enroll Yourself In STEP


STEP or Smart Traveler Enrollment Program is a no-cost service that is provided by the U.S. Department of State. By enrolling yourself in this service, the department will help you share your travel details with the local embassy and consult them in case you find yourself stuck in an emergency. Beyond this, all the people who are traveling with disabilities can provide all the details and their physical limitations under the traveler information section. So, whenever you travel make sure to enroll yourself. Stay Informed, Stay Safe, and Stay Connected!!!


5. Learn About Your Equal Rights


“Equal access is a civil right.” Whether you are traveling with disabilities or not, it is important to learn about your rights as they help in providing the travelers with confidence and support when they find things getting wrong. When it comes to wheelchair users, they have the right to avoid the queue, ask to be on the wheelchair while checking, get mobility assistance at airports, and more. Next time you travel, you must know your rights. They will contribute to making your travel experience a memorable one. Yes! These things matter. 


6. Keep Faith and Stay Positive


This is much more than just a tip. It is the first step of converting yourself from a wheelchair user to a wheelchair traveler. Taking a leap of faith and believing yourself is indeed the most important tip that you need to fulfill your dreams of traveling. Being scared of things getting wrong, worrying about the damages that might occur, stressing over events that are uncertain, and more won’t make the journey simpler. This will just add to your problems and stop you to come out of your comfort zone and explore the beautiful world. Always remember- “It is important to take risks and go for it!”


7. Plan Your Trip In Your Own Unique Way


Someone said it right- “We all are different, with or without disabilities, and so are ours thinking.” Being different individuals, our desires are different, we think differently, and we dream differently. Then why should we travel like others? No matter, if you are traveling with disabilities or not, you must have a customized itinerary that includes everything that is specific to your interests and desires. Some like to spend more time in your hotel while others prefer to stroll on the streets. You can choose what-so-ever you wish and make your journey a dream vacation.


8. Choose The Right Mobility Device 


Although travel gadgets are important for all travelers, they play a major role when it comes to traveling with disabilities. They help in making the journey an incredible experience, much easier, and more accessible. For this, you must be prepared with the right mobility devices. To choose the right mobility device, you must know what makes you more comfortable and what will make your journey simpler from the starting to the end. It is the main part without which the travel puzzle is just incomplete. So, carry one to not miss out on fantastic experiences. 


9. Learn About The Laws Of The Country You Are Traveling To


Laws are important and are meant to be known by all kinds of travelers. These laws are different from different countries and hence, it makes it important for all travelers to learn about them before they leave. If you are traveling with disabilities, you must know what your destination has for you. Knowing the laws makes the journey simpler, as it will prepare you for unforeseen events and help you make the informed decisions. 


10. Be Specific While Describing Your Disability


The best way to make your travel easier is to be specific while describing the disability. You must be clear with your words and should use the simplest language that can be understood by everyone. Since not all service providers are familiarized with the “lingos” or medical terms of disabled travelers. This might result in a misunderstanding of your problem. Hence, while traveling with disabilities it becomes important to provide the maximum details that you can and be specific with your explanation. Remember- “The more information you provide, the better service you will get!”



The planet is large and has a lot of lovely places to discover. We hope that you find these tips useful and they will encourage you to follow your dreams for traveling. Remember- “Never let your disability come in your way of fulfilling your dreams.”

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