How To Spend A Summer In Greenland: Unique Itinerary Ideas

Author: Shrabona Borthakur on Dec 21,2023
Narsarsuaq in Greenland and the bay with icebergs

Greenland, the world's largest island, located in the Arctic region, is gaining popularity as a summer destination for those seeking unique adventures and breathtaking natural beauty. With its icy landscapes, towering glaciers, and vibrant indigenous Inuit culture, Greenland offers an unparalleled summer experience. From exploring the Arctic wilderness to immersing in Inuit traditions and witnessing the mesmerizing Midnight Sun phenomenon, Greenland has something for every traveler. In this article, we will outline itinerary ideas for a summer trip to Greenland, providing inspiration for planning an unforgettable adventure. So, get ready to embark on an extraordinary journey to this remote and pristine destination on the map and discover the wonders that await in Greenland.


Where is Greenland?

Greenland, the world's largest island, is located in the Arctic region, between the Arctic Ocean and the North Atlantic Ocean. It is an autonomous territory within the Kingdom of Denmark and is situated northeast of Canada, with the nearest part of mainland North America being about 450 miles away. Despite its massive size, Greenland has a relatively small population and is known for its stunning landscapes, including massive ice sheets, towering glaciers, fjords, and unique wildlife. Understanding the geographical location of Greenland is essential when planning a trip to this remote and breathtaking destination.


Greenland on a Map


Greenland on a map


Greenland, the world's largest island, is an autonomous territory within the Kingdom of Denmark. Located in the Arctic region, it is northeast of Canada and is bordered by the Arctic Ocean and the North Atlantic Ocean. On a map, Greenland appears as a massive landmass with a distinctive shape characterized by its rugged coastline, numerous fjords, and vast ice sheets that cover over 80% of the island's surface. The capital, Nuuk, is located on the southwestern coast, while other notable regions include Disko Bay in the west and the Ilulissat Icefjord in the northwest. Greenland's unique geographical location and stunning landscapes make it a captivating destination for adventure seekers and nature enthusiasts.


Itinerary Ideas for Summer in Greenland


Exploring the Arctic Wilderness

Greenland is a vast and untamed land of breathtaking beauty, offering unparalleled opportunities for outdoor adventure in its Arctic wilderness. From towering glaciers to pristine fjords, there are numerous ways to explore and immerse yourself in the stunning landscapes of Greenland during the summer months.


Hiking Adventures

Greenland is a hiker's paradise, with endless trails and routes that take you through its diverse terrain. One of the most popular hiking destinations is the Ilulissat Icefjord, a UNESCO World Heritage Site known for its massive icebergs and stunning views. The hike takes you through rocky terrains, along glacial rivers, and up to viewpoints that offer panoramic vistas of the ice fjord, providing an awe-inspiring experience.


Another must-visit destination for hikers is Disko Island, known for its volcanic landscapes, rugged coastlines, and Arctic tundra. Hiking trails on Disko Island lead to viewpoints overlooking the breathtaking Disko Bay, where you can witness the beauty of icebergs floating in the pristine waters.


Camping Adventures

Camping in Greenland is a unique experience that allows you to immerse yourself in the Arctic wilderness and witness its raw beauty up close. There are numerous camping spots available throughout the island, offering opportunities to sleep under the midnight sun or witness the spectacular northern lights during the summer months.


One popular camping destination is the Qooroq Ice Fjord, located in South Greenland. Camping here allows you to wake up to stunning views of the glacier-filled fjord and explore the surrounding valleys and mountains. Another camping option is the Nuuk Fjord, where you can set up camp on the shores of the fjord and enjoy the serenity of the Arctic landscape while being surrounded by icebergs and mountains.


Wildlife Watching Adventures

Greenland is home to a unique and diverse range of wildlife, making it a haven for wildlife enthusiasts. During the summer months, you can spot various species, including whales, seals, polar bears, reindeer, and a plethora of bird species.


One of the best ways to spot wildlife in Greenland is by taking a boat tour or a kayaking trip. Disko Bay, for example, is known for its abundance of marine life, including humpback whales, fin whales, and minke whales. You can also witness the playful antics of seals and spot colorful seabirds as you explore the waters of Disko Bay.


Exploring Local Communities

In addition to its stunning landscapes, Greenland is also known for its indigenous Inuit culture. Visiting local communities allows you to learn about their traditions, history, and way of life, providing a unique cultural experience.


One such community is the town of Ilulissat, located near the Ilulissat Icefjord. Here, you can interact with the local Inuit people, learn about their traditional hunting and fishing techniques, and gain insights into their daily lives. You can also visit local museums and cultural centers to learn more about Greenlandic culture, art, and history.



Also read: Greenland In Winter: A Mini Guide For A Soothing Vacation


Practical Tips for Exploring the Arctic Wilderness


Walrus and her pup floating on ice in a fjord


  • Plan ahead: Research and plan your hiking or camping trip in advance, considering factors such as weather conditions, equipment, and permits.
  • Follow safety guidelines: Greenland's wilderness can be challenging, so it's crucial to follow safety guidelines, including packing appropriate gear, carrying sufficient food and water, and being aware of potential hazards such as crevasses and changing weather conditions.
  • Respect the environment and wildlife: Leave no trace and follow responsible travel practices, including not disturbing wildlife, staying on marked trails, and properly disposing of waste.
  • Learn about Inuit culture: Respect the local Inuit culture and customs by learning about their traditions, history, and etiquette before visiting local communities.

Immersing in Inuit Culture

Greenland is home to the indigenous Inuit people, who have a rich cultural heritage that is deeply intertwined with the island's history and natural surroundings. Immerse yourself in the fascinating Inuit culture during your summer trip to Greenland and gain a deeper appreciation for the traditions and way of life of these resilient and resourceful people.


Exploring Local Communities

Visiting local communities in Greenland provides an opportunity to interact with the Inuit people and learn about their daily lives. Many of the towns and villages in Greenland are remote and accessible only by boat or helicopter, adding to their unique charm. You can visit settlements such as Ilulissat, Sisimiut, or Qaqortoq and experience the warm hospitality of the locals. Engage in conversations, learn about their customs, and observe traditional practices such as fishing, hunting, and crafting.


Traditional Music and Dance Performances

Music and dance are integral parts of Inuit culture, and you can witness captivating performances during your trip to Greenland. Inuit music often features throat singing, which is a unique vocal technique involving two singers creating rhythmic and melodic patterns with their voices. Traditional drum dancing, where dancers perform rhythmic movements accompanied by drumming, is another prominent form of Inuit dance. Attending a traditional music and dance performance can be a memorable experience, offering insights into the history, storytelling, and spirituality of the Inuit people.


Trying Traditional Crafts

The Inuit people are known for their intricate crafts, which reflect their close relationship with the land and sea. From carvings made from soapstone, bone, and antler to traditional clothing made from animal hides and furs, the craftsmanship of the Inuit people is awe-inspiring. You can visit local artisan workshops or markets to see firsthand how these traditional crafts are created and even try your hand at creating your own piece of Inuit art under the guidance of local artisans. It's a unique opportunity to learn about the significance of these crafts in Inuit culture and appreciate the skill and creativity of the Inuit people.


Culinary Traditions

Food is an essential aspect of any culture, and Greenland's cuisine is a reflection of its unique geography and Inuit heritage. Traditional Greenlandic food is largely based on local ingredients from the land and sea, including fish, seals, reindeer, musk ox, and other Arctic fauna. Traditional dishes like "suaasat," a meat stew, and "kiviaq," fermented sea birds, are unique to Greenland and offer a taste of the region's culinary traditions. Trying traditional Greenlandic food can be an adventurous experience, and you can enjoy it at local restaurants or through cultural events that highlight traditional cuisine.


Respect for Inuit Culture

When immersing yourself in Inuit culture in Greenland, it's important to show respect and sensitivity towards the local customs and traditions. The Inuit people have a deep connection with their land and heritage, and it's essential to approach their culture with an open mind, willingness to learn, and respect for their way of life. Follow local etiquette, seek permission before taking photographs or participating in cultural activities, and be mindful of the environment and wildlife. Respecting the Inuit culture is crucial in preserving their traditions and fostering cultural exchange and understanding.


Experiencing the Midnight Sun


Sunburst behind a iceberg with a hole in it during the midnight sun


Greenland is renowned for its unique natural phenomena, and one of the most captivating experiences during the summer months is the Midnight Sun. As the Earth's axial tilt tilts towards the sun, the northern regions, including Greenland, experience a phenomenon where the sun remains above the horizon for 24 hours a day. This creates an otherworldly spectacle where the sun never sets, casting a perpetual golden glow across the landscape and providing an extraordinary opportunity for visitors to witness this awe-inspiring phenomenon.


Breathtaking Sunsets and Sunrises

One of the most mesmerizing aspects of the Midnight Sun in Greenland is the stunning sunsets and sunrises that occur during the summer solstice. As the sun dips just below the horizon before rising again, it paints the sky with a breathtaking display of colors, ranging from vibrant oranges and pinks to deep reds and purples. The contrast of the colorful sky against the pristine Arctic landscapes, with glaciers, mountains, and fjords bathed in the warm hues of the setting or rising sun, creates an unforgettable visual spectacle that is a dream for photographers and nature lovers alike.


Endless Daylight Adventures

The Midnight Sun also provides visitors with unique opportunities for outdoor adventures and activities that can be enjoyed throughout the day and night. With 24 hours of daylight, travelers can embark on excursions and explorations at any time, making the most of the extended daylight hours. Whether it's hiking in the remote wilderness, kayaking through pristine fjords, or taking a boat tour to witness massive icebergs floating in the Arctic waters, the possibilities are endless during the Midnight Sun season in Greenland. The uninterrupted daylight also means that wildlife viewing opportunities abound, with the chance to spot unique Arctic wildlife such as whales, seals, reindeer, and various bird species.


Cultural Experiences

The Midnight Sun is not only a natural phenomenon but also holds cultural significance in Greenland. The Inuit people, who are the indigenous population of Greenland, have traditionally lived in harmony with the changing patterns of daylight, and the Midnight Sun has been an important part of their cultural heritage for generations. Visitors to Greenland during the Midnight Sun season can immerse themselves in the local culture, learn about the traditional way of life of the Inuit people, and participate in cultural activities such as traditional music and dance performances, storytelling, and crafts. This provides a unique opportunity to gain insights into the rich cultural traditions and customs of Greenland's indigenous people and deepen the understanding of the local way of life.


Practical Tips for Experiencing the Midnight Sun

  • Plan your trip during the summer solstice, which usually occurs around June 21st, to maximize your chances of experiencing the Midnight Sun in Greenland.
  • Be prepared for the constant daylight by bringing blackout curtains or an eye mask to help with sleep, as extended daylight hours can disrupt normal sleeping patterns.
  • Pack appropriate clothing for the changing weather conditions, as even though it's summer, the Arctic weather can still be unpredictable. Layering is key, and don't forget to bring warm clothing for the cooler evenings.
  • Use sunscreen and protect your eyes with sunglasses, as the sunlight can be intense during the Midnight Sun period.
  • Follow responsible travel practices, such as respecting local customs and wildlife and leaving no trace when exploring the pristine wilderness of Greenland.

Food in Greenland


A plate with Greenlandic specialties



Mattak is a traditional Inuit delicacy made from the skin and blubber of the narwhal or beluga whale. It is typically served raw and has a unique combination of flavors, with the blubber being rich and fatty, while the skin has a chewy and rubbery texture. Mattak is considered a delicacy and is often reserved for special occasions or festive gatherings.


Kalaallit Nunaat Salad

Kalaallit Nunaat Salad, also known as Greenlandic salad, is a dish made with local ingredients such as boiled potatoes, carrots, peas, and pickled beets, mixed with mayonnaise and often topped with shrimp or fish. It is a popular side dish in Greenland and is known for its fresh flavors and vibrant colors.



Suaasat is a traditional Greenlandic soup made with meat, typically seal or reindeer, and is often considered a national dish. The meat is cooked with a variety of vegetables, such as potatoes, onions, and carrots, and is seasoned with herbs and spices. Suaasat is known for its hearty and warming flavors, making it a popular dish during the cold winter months.


Greenlandic Coffee

Greenlandic Coffee, also known as Kaffemik, is a unique beverage that is a popular part of Greenlandic culture and social gatherings. It is made by combining coffee with whisky, Kahla, and Grand Marnier and is often topped with whipped cream. Greenlandic Coffee is known for its strong and warming flavors and is often served as a welcome drink to guests.



Ammassat is a traditional Greenlandic dish made from fermented fish, typically cod or Arctic char. The fish is salted and left to ferment for several months until it develops a pungent and distinctive flavor. Ammassat is often served cold and is commonly eaten with bread or crackers.


Brttet Sl

Brttet Sl is a traditional Greenlandic dish made from smoked seal meat. The meat is typically marinated in a mixture of water, salt, and spices and then smoked over a fire. The result is a smoky and flavorful meat that is often served sliced or diced as a snack or used in stews and soups.


Qajaq Paa

Qajaq Paa is a traditional Inuit dish made from raw sea cucumber. The sea cucumber is typically sliced and served with a dipping sauce made from soy sauce, vinegar, and spices. Qajaq Paa has a unique texture, being soft and gelatinous, and is often enjoyed as a delicacy in Greenlandic cuisine.



Greenland's cuisine offers a unique and intriguing culinary experience for those who visit this remote Arctic destination. With a focus on local ingredients and traditional methods of preparation, Greenlandic food reflects the cultural heritage of its indigenous people and the harsh environment in which they live. From raw seafood delicacies to hearty soups and unique beverages, exploring the unique food of Greenland can be a fascinating and adventurous culinary journey for travelers seeking to immerse themselves in the flavors of this extraordinary destination.

Tour Price

Our private tours typically range from $500 - $1000 per person/per night depending on chosen hotels and room categories, vehicles used, types of tours, flight cost, time of year and other factors. Make an inquiry for a customized trip quote.

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