Lose Yourself In Nature's grandeur With This 10-Day Peru Tour

Author: yashovardhan sharma on Jan 12,2024

Peru has fascinated travelers worldwide for centuries. Tourists can relish a wildlife safari through the Amazon, seek out the magnificence of Machu Picchu, visit stunning native Amazonian tribes, and cruise along the unique Amazon basin in complete luxury. You can also venture through the beautiful colonial city of Iquitos, wander the Andes and experience the vibrant colors and continued traditions of the culture, experience the hustle and bustle of Pisac Market, and explore the incredible city of Cuzco. Our 10-day luxury tour of Peru will help you to experience some of the top attractions that the nation has to offer.

A tour at a glance

Tour Price

Our private tours typically range from $500 - $1000 per person/per night depending on chosen hotels and room categories, vehicles used, types of tours, flight cost, time of year and other factors. Make an inquiry for a customized trip quote.

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Detailed Itinerary

Day 1: Welcome to Lima

Meet your private guide at Lima airport, who will transfer you to your hotel. Set off with your guide on an introductory tour of the city. Each neighborhood reveals a different world containing a variety of scents, cultures, and slang. Then, reach the trendy seaside neighborhood of Miraflores, which stands above crashing waves and the lingering perfume of lemon from fresh ceviche. Be amazed at the lighthouse, which twirls in black and white stripes along the edges of the shore, giving light to the dark ocean and the surrounding boardwalk it stands beside.

Day 2: Transfer to Cuzco

Today, depart from the remnants of the walls along the ocean shores of Lima and venture into the Andean city of Cuzco. The Inca remnants of the city sit beneath the Spanish architecture and rise above the streets overlooking the entire valley. Peek at the two flags flying above the square in the gentle mountain breeze, the red and white of the Peruvian flag and the rainbow flag of Tahuantinsuyo, representing the four quarters of the Inca Empire. Stroll along the rounded stones of the Loreto alleyway, where Inca walls line the cobblestones and continue to give access to the square.

Day 3: Explore the Sacred Valley

Explore the depths of the Sacred Valley with a visit to Pisac, a village that sits along the sweeping hills of the Andes. The scent of sweet potato drifts along the walkways as you hear the jovial chatter of the city. Climb along the citadel above Pisac to find the Inca ruins, divided into four sections. Examine the old guard sitting along the citadel overlooking the valley where ceremonial baths continue to line the hillside. Across the gorge, notice a variety of Inca tombs honeycombing the cliff. Within the bustling joys of the town, see the colors of the Andes sweep across the market, from the locals' clothing to the textiles of the vendors; even the produce shines sensational greens, yellows, and reds along the flavorful sight of the bazaar.

Day 4: Discover Machu Picchu

Today, venture out through the Sacred Valley, where the mountaintops pierce the sky. Hear the rush of the Urubamba River in the valley basin. Soak in the lush green grass that stretches the expanse of the hills and gives way to the dangling jungle. Be amazed at the waterfalls that careen along the foothills, and orchids blossom in the trees. Begin to ascend a stone staircase, where the wall opens. You look out over the towering city of Machu Picchu, standing 1,000 feet above the valley below. Wander through this Wonder of the World with the stone buildings practically glittering in the sunlight. Terraces climb the mountainside. In the distance, you can see llamas grazing on the abundant vegetation. 

Day 5: Stroll in the Lost City

The morning light glints over the stone buildings, and you make your way back into Machu Picchu for one more exploration. Huayna Picchu stands tall above the Lost City, its beauty and majesty almost like a shadow. Venture through the Inca Tunnel and up the steep staircase that rises alongside the mountain. The rope rail is coarse on your hand as you use it to guide you up the steps. Soak in the magnificent views from the peak of the mountain. The magnificence of Machu Picchu can be seen as one city, sitting among mountains, the stones rich and stern against the blanketing blue sky. As you descend the mountain and make your way back to Cusco, you know that the vision of the Lost City is enriching and a true Wonder of the World.

Day 6: Arrive in Iquitos

Watch the peaks of the Andes fade and transform into the carpeted green of the Amazon canopy. Arrive in Iquitos, where the rush and thrill of the Amazon rise through the air as the water sweeps along the tree line. The grandeur of Iquitos is not only in its position along the riverbanks but also within its rubber boom past. The scent of sugar cane sweeps through the streets and the decadent past blends into the working present.

Day 7: Cruise Along Yanallpa Lake

Wake to the scent of sweet pineapple and creamy plantains emanating from the kitchen. The boat has docked along the lowlands, and you follow your guide into the marshy water of Yanallpa Lake. View the water lilies that blossom large with colorful petals. Hear an awkward grunt and wheeze in the distance where grass and leaves start to rustle. Follow your guide's lead and slow your pace. Peek above the marsh and see a colony of Hoatzin calling to one another with the guttural noise. They look the size of a chicken, with colorful plumage and a Mohawk, giving them a punk rock edge.

Day 8: Experience Hatum Posa

Wake up to the fresh, rich perfume of roasted coffee and set off for an incredible jungle walk near Hatum Posa Village. Follow your guides through the multi-hued canopy, where the quiet of the river gives way to the active sounds of the morning wildlife. Come to an opening in the forest where the native people have learned to subsistence farm, cultivating wild plants and trees to earn income from the wealth of fruit trees and medicinal plants hidden in the jungle. Skiff along the Pacaya River to see Ranger Station Number 1, where sensational and plentiful life is hidden within the canopy of the rainforest.

Day 9: Enjoy a Wildlife Safari

Soak in the magnificent views of the morning sun rising above the canopy and setting the river alight with an orange and purple glow. Watch the gentle lull of the river break its ripples, giving way to bobbing and chatter. Be delighted by the pink dolphins surfacing and swimming alongside the boat. The endangered dolphins have long thin snouts and pink, slick skin. Their jovial nature and playful attitude gave them a peaceful cohabitation with the natives. Peek up to the tress to see macaws stand out with bright blue and red feathers, flapping their wings within the canopy in the distance.  As night spreads over the rainforest, you can see caiman amble up the shores looking for their first evening snap.

Day 10: Departure

Today, your private guide will transfer you to the airport for your international departure.

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