Easy Tips For Traveling To India Before Christmas

Author: Priyanka Saxena on Jan 24,2024

Traveling to India entails a different level of experience. It is a mix of culture, languages, society, and even nature. The land offers variations in every little aspect that tourists cannot bring to comprehend unless they are too prepared for this. The diversity in the culture could sometimes lead to confusion that travelers often get it difficult to strive through the trip if they are slightly unprepared.

It is a place worth visiting with all variations it offers to the table. However, you have to know where you are exactly headed to and choose a place that fits your comforts and fancies. New Year is usually very crowded in India, as every outlet and travel spots clog with the people leaving little space to enjoy it with full potential. Let us get into the tips we have to follow to embark on a vacation to India before New Year.


Make a map and Plan efficiently:


Like we have discussed amply, Researching, and planning before an Indian trip becomes a necessity with options of places juggling in your mind like a maze. There is Delhi, Jaipur, Mumbai, Agra, and the list goes on where each place has its specialty. There is also a high possibility that you may end up looking for the location as roads and interior cities in India have a complicated route map with entangled streets and highways. One has to strictly master this map details before venturing out to these destinations. Of course, you will come to enjoy the mystery and the uncanniness of this vacation once you exactly know what your target is and where you are headed to.


Language Woes:


Yes! Language can be a big deal if you were to tour India. People speak different languages, and there will be very little English-speaking local population. Hindi is supposedly the common language that will connect the masses, even though traveling south to Kanyakumari and Kerala calls for adapting to different languages. English is understood by most people, although dealing with local shopkeepers and street vendors could get troublesome to manage a language gap. So knowing a bit of a local language or having translation equipment handy to connect with locals in the country could be of great help.

Cultural guidance

India is filled with ancient spiritual architectural sites like temples, monasteries, and mosques. They follow a list of cultural protocols that have to be adhered to on the premises. Entering a temple with your slippers or capturing a photo inside Monasteries that prohibit cameras will be termed as an offense to the spiritual belief of the people. So, we must know the rules, and values of these places before we set foot there.


Food choices:

It is a world-known fact that Indian food is hot and spicy. Anybody who can bear the spicy hot gravies can adapt better to the food choices there. However, someone who is a little finicky or prefers blunt and less spicy delicacies are supposed to rummage well before settling into any restaurant. There will be sit-out stops or restaurants which might offer international cuisines that serve better to people who cannot bear spicy foods.

Remote Places:

India is a crowded place, and New Year calls for people swarming into the country. To avoid the roaring crowd and to enjoy a silent stay, one has to explore the outskirts of big cities like Mumbai and Delhi. There will be a nature-filled tourist spot like villages which will offer cleaner air and a peaceful atmosphere filling you with a good sight-seeing experience. There is a risk you might land up in places which lack some eminent facilities, so choose your spots and travel carefully.


Traffic Issues:

India is a heavily populated country. Traveling to the cities like Delhi, Mumbai or Calcutta can be a wonderful outdoor experience but could provide you heavy traffic jams. There are major industrial cities that display their busy lifestyle with vehicles thronging all over. The traffic jams might destroy your schedule for visiting places that you have planned. So start early to complete your itinerary and to visit all the must-go places.

Pick a place and enjoy it fully:

As India is a crowded and happening country, there is a desperate need to stick to a few places. Covering all places or having a long Itinerary will call for difficulties in executing it. As each place will have its share of crowded visitors, it will usually take time to spend your outings in the preferred spot. Hence, choosing different places on the same day can be very difficult to juggle as traffic woes and heavy crowds might be a blocker for the same.

Tour Price

Our private tours typically range from $500 - $1000 per person/per night depending on chosen hotels and room categories, vehicles used, types of tours, flight cost, time of year and other factors. Make an inquiry for a customized trip quote.

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