Walk Down the Lane of Salem for a Witchy Vacation

Author: Priyanka Saxena on Apr 15,2020

Do you ever get fascinated by the witch stories for love to watch which movies? Well everyone does that. With the latest Hollywood web series based on the life of modern witches, the world is now more drawn towards the existence of witches. In the series Sabrina, it has been shown how witches can rule the world. One of such places that exist for real is Salem. It has quite an interesting history. It is mostly famous for the creepy things that can be easily found here. Salem is found in Massachusetts and attracts lots of visitors who are drawn towards its mystical and unique history. 

There is a famous Legend that says in 1692 huge witch trials were held here and this makes it an educational vacation too. If you want to educate yourself in the witchcraft and the fascinating history it holds you can easily pay a visit to this country. The most famous time to visit here is in October when Halloween happens. You can see the entire country taking part in different Halloween themed events which are both Spooky and amazing. However, if you don't want to wait till October to have these Spooky experiences you can visit Salem anytime. You will always get better Deals And my end up making some memorable moments. It is highly recommended to visit  Massachusetts in 2020 as per ‘ The Best Destination for Your Perfect Vacation Every Month of 2020’. What would be better than adding a spooky twist to your vacation here?

Houses of Witch

When you visit Salem you can find a witch house that belongs to the judge Jonathan corban. It belonged to him and his family until 1800. It is believed that this structure was directly connected to the witch trials that happened here. The judge was approached to investigate the reality of witchcraft and his theory was very much important in the convictions that were held. The address of the witch house is 310 Essex St. In the 1944 people were threatened by the government to demolish this house and to reconstruct it so that it can be preserved for the future generation. Hence this house was restored and it was converted into a public Museum in the year 1948. Whenever you visit this place you can experience the excellence of 17th-century architecture. 

The gallows Hills

It is one of the landmark sites where the actual execution of the witches took place. From the month of June to October, you can watch the show that depicts the life of witches in that era. This show includes some amazing 4-D effects and holograms along with some ghostly projections which will give you a deep insight into the event that it took the entire Salem by storm. It is one of the famous shows that one should not miss if you want to learn about the history of the Salem witch trials. This trial was considered to be one of the horrifying events and you can experience the same ambiance here. If you want to enjoy it on a top-notch experience then you should visit here in October. Since October is a Halloween month the main show is quite extravagant and is followed by many special events.

OMEN Emporium

If you truly want to experience the Supernatural energies then you should make a trip to Omen. It is actually guided by a spirit medium that is real and as soon as you enter into the spirit parlor you can actually connect with the deceased one. If you are one of the participants here then you can actually attend a meditation that connects you between the spirit world and the 3D world created by them. This Emporium also contains a shop where you can establish connections with spiritual power. You can even connect some of the souvenirs like spell candles, crystals, and potions. It's a fun place to visit if you want to feel the spookiness around you.

Haunted magic show

Halloween is a season of some events and magical close. If you happen to visit here between September to November you can attend a specific show which is conducted for giving you a haunted experience. Every year the show has a different theme and is more focused on the problem and the psychic mediums that were used to establish a connection with another world. The entire idea of this show is to Give You Goosebumps and make you see different aspects of Magic and witchcraft. Even if you visit here every year you can feel a different Vibe because the theme is changed continuously. It is a 75 minutes show and one is never forced to attend it.

Witch museum

If you are in Salem then there is no way you can get away from the famous Salem witch museum full stop it is a very which kind of village ever you can discuss the stereotypes and myths which are related to witchcraft and the witches. You can connect with the modern-day witches and raise queries regarding different questions you have in your mind. There are so many stereotypes that are related to witches of the ancient world like the black cat and the devil worship and the most famous one is the flying blue. You can actually get a deep insight into these and even ask them the other attractions you should visit. If you want to practice witchcraft they even have a special place for it.

The graveyard

It is famously known as the Burying point. It is one of the oldest burying grounds of Salem. All the witches who were tried during the Salem witch trial event were buried here. You can even find the Graves of the judges who passed the judgment and hold them convicted. It is believed that the judge Hathorne had some personal profit out of the conviction as he was quite firm with his first decision and even refused to hear the appeal of the victims. It is also believed that few of the testimonies placed by the witnesses were changed and completely flipped afterward and still there was no reconsideration on the verdict. The properties of the witches were executed by the court officials and they were not provided their right to inherit property.

Satanic Temple

It was founded in 2013 by a non-theistic group who refused to worship the church and instead gave the priority to a figure of Satan. It is a very recent attraction that you can visit in Salem. In the United States, they have a headquarters that was opened in 2016. It is a temple that contains the arts related to the hypocrisy of other religions. It serves as a library where you can learn about Satan and the Satan panic which was very much hyped in the years 1980 to 1990.


Add a spice of spookiness in your vacation by visiting here during Halloween and feel the witches around you.


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