Experience the best Walking & Canoeing in this 11-Days Zimbabwe Safari

Author: Priyanka Saxena on Oct 30,2018

In Zimbabwe, you encounter an alternate kind of safari encounter. This high quality, 11-day safari makes two such adventures. Put in four days paddling down the Zambezi Waterway, kayaking the length of Mana Pools National Stop. You will be on safari in big-game scenes that are out of reach to different guests, becoming used to discovering hippos and elephants every step of the way. Investigate the differentiating areas of the recreation centre, paddle past a large number of creatures along the riverbanks, and camp on uninhabited islands in the Zambezi. It's wild and it's magnificent, paddling through sensational scenes, past Africa's four-legged monsters. Such a voyage completely opens your faculties to Africa, making this profound association with nature you investigate. Prior to the paddling and strolling experience, you put in the initial two days in Victoria Falls, where the cascade gives one of the numerous attractions. Diversion drives around Matusadona National Stop, finishing the drive on the eastern edge of Lake Kariba and prepared for the downriver kayak safari. 

Zimbabwe Safari Holidays Trips Highlights:

  • Wander into the wild with a 3-day strolling safari in Hwange National Stop, enjoying astounding experiences with elephants, giraffe, rhino, and many extraordinary species
  • Stand before Victoria Falls and get doused by its splash, the most ideal approach to value the power of the world's most ground-breaking cascade
  • Camp on remote Zambezi Stream islands, where you're encompassed by untamed life and wrapped ordinarily
  • Journey into scenes that get only a bunch of guests a year; you paddle parts of the Zambezi cut off by street or trail, and stroll in a limited private concession
  • Discover Zimbabwe's creatures from new points of view and lose track over the species you experience: bison, rhino, eland, cheetah, rhino, elephant, giraffe, zebra, thus a lot a greater amount of the landmass' symbols
  • Paddle through the wild with a select 4-day kayaking endeavour on the Zambezi Stream, going through the epic big game of Mana Pools National Stop


11-Days Zimbabwe Safari Itinerary at a Glance:

  • Day 1: Entry on the Zambezi and afterwards exchange close to the Victoria Falls
  • Day 2: Encountering Victoria Falls
  • Day 3: Matusadona National Stop to Kariba – Diversion Drives and Preparing for the Kayaking Experience
  • Day 4: Kariba to Chirundu – Paddling Through Epic Uninhabited Scenes
  • Day 5 and Day 6: Mana Pools National Stop – One of a kind Kayak Undertaking Through Big-Game Wild
  • Day 7: Mana Pools National Stop – Last Day Kayaking with Africa's Mammoths
  • Day 8: Hwange National Stop – Loosened up Strolls and Drives Acquaint You with Hwange
  • Day 9 and Day 10: Hwange National Stop – Selective Strolling Safari in a Private Big-Game Concession
  • Day 11: Hwange to Victoria Falls – Takeoff

Tour Price

Our private tours typically range from $500 - $1000 per person/per night depending on chosen hotels and room categories, vehicles used, types of tours, flight cost, time of year and other factors. Make an inquiry for a customized trip quote.

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Detailed Itinerary

Day 1: Landing on the Zambezi and after that exchange close to the Victoria Falls 

Contact down in Victoria Falls and exchange to your cabin by pontoon, a voyage along the Zambezi and a snappy knowledge into what's to come in Mana Pools. In the coming days, you will begin paddling along the Zambezi, somewhere in the range of 600 kilometres downriver from here, where it is smaller and less overwhelming. From the vessel, you may see hippos and elephants, incredible figures who speak the length of the Zambezi. Chacma primates and vervet monkeys group in the trees sitting above the stream, while prints along the riverbank recommend that gazelles are not far away. Spend the evening unwinding at the hotel before a nightfall supper journey, which is gourmet and wild in equivalent measures. 


Day 2: Encountering Victoria Falls 

Wake up to wild creatures in the stream. At that point recall, this is only a prologue to Zimbabwe's untamed life. There is considerably more to find in the days to come. Victoria Falls is only two miles downriver from the hotel, and you are remaining nearby to the nation's busiest traveller town – yet the scene is overwhelmed by creatures. After a casual morning, you are exchanged to the falls where an exciting independently directed strolling trail runs parallel to the roaring whitewater. At a few places, the perspectives are brilliant, with 360-degree rainbows twirling in the fog, or a large number of gallons of spouting water extending onwards for a mile. At different occasions you get drenched, the fog pouring down, representing the intensity of this cascade. Investigate at your very own pace at that point make a beeline for the hotel, where a second dusk supper voyage proceeds with the experiences with hippos and mandrills. 


Day 3: Matusadona National Stop to Kariba – Amusement Drives and Preparing for the Paddling Experience 

The 4-day paddling experience begins from Lake Kariba, where the water of Africa's Riviera occupies into the lower area of the Zambezi Waterway. Travel to Lake Kariba by light flying machine and spend the morning on a diversion drive in Matusadona National Stop, getting first looks of lions and rhinos. Appreciate a cookout lunch on the savannah, at that point continue investigating into the evening, getting ready for the paddling experience by finding a gigantic wide range of warm-blooded animals. Later toward the evening, you are exchanged toward the north of the lake and an extravagance waterfront hold up in Kariba. It feels like the edge of the world here. Tomorrow you will paddle off the edge, into a gulch and a significant lot of stream that is totally blocked off by vehicle. 


Day 4: Kariba to Chirundu – Paddling Through Epic Uninhabited Scenes 

On this safari, you will paddle the full length of Mana Pools National Stop. It is a restful voyage, following the stream downstream. The present first stretch is light on natural life yet enormous on epic scenes. Profound, quiet crevasses transcend you, gleaming through red and orange tones as the morning sun rises. The segregation is supreme, only several kayaks and the immensity of the Zambezi gullies. You will have seen a comparable gulch at Victoria Falls; this segment near Chirundu is higher, smaller, and just observes a couple of individuals a year. There is no entrance without being on the water, and you will have a great time the remote climate. You are certain to detect a couple of creatures, slow eaters and goliaths who possess the recreation centre's remote corners, regularly extensive guys cast out from their crowd. Throughout the day, you will subside into the style of safari, feel the greatness of nature, and put in the night on a remote uninhabited island. 


Day 5 and Day 6: Mana Pools National Stop – One of a kind Kayak Endeavor Through Big-Game Wild 

Voyaging like this nearly makes you feel like a wanderer. Everything feels so wild. It resembles you can all the more likely value the life of elephants who wander the banks, detecting that they are likewise on a long, gutsy adventure. Maybe most piercingly, it feels like you individually venture, not just taking off to discover natural life. Such an attitude appears to make each experience more extraordinary. Following the Zambezi, you paddle into the amusement rich focal zones of the recreation centre. It is significant that these zones remain for the most part bereft of other individuals, as most Mana Pools vessel safaris focus on the recreation centre's lakes. 

The camps are essential yet agreeable. The experiences are incredible. From the water you see everything originating from a separation. You see the groups of waterbuck and wildebeest from a remote place, hear the snorting monsters, watch giraffe go from inaccessible outline to top quality close-up. At water level, you have a total point of view on the scene, what creatures are the place, and which sounds are reverberating perpetually. Kayaking is relatively quiet, so when you approach untamed life, it doesn't flee startled. Indeed, even lions might be recognized, a pride of predators drinking from the banks. Maybe you see a cheetah, possibly a panther, hiding in the reeds. Kayaking isn't simply quiet safari. It is additionally moderate safari, helping you find all the little pieces of information and all the savage eyes covering up along the banks. 


Day 7: Mana Pools National Stop – Last Day Paddling with Africa's Mammoths 

Today you finish the paddling, achieving the eastern edge of Mana Pools National Stop by noon. Spend the evening amusement driving back through the recreation centre, investigating the lakes and floodplains that were far away from the waterway. Specifically, the aides are scanning for the predators you haven't seen yet. Twist into the riverine forest, checking the branches for panther spots. At that point cross the fields, interpreting the disguise of cheetahs in the grass. Following three evenings of moderately basic outdoors, you put in this night in another extravagance camp, getting a charge out of a gigantic suite with floor-to-roof glass windows and a private shower underneath the night's stars. 


Day 8: Hwange National Stop – Loosened up Strolls and Drives Acquaint You with Hwange 

Touch base at one of Hwange's best camps around early afternoon, where lunch is served and a guide presents the style of safari. Set in its very own private concession, in the east of the recreation centre, this camp is broadly celebrated for having Zimbabwe's best strolling safari guides. Over these next three days, you have an open canvas to investigate, with an assortment of courses, which are all profoundly far-fetched to see other individuals or vehicles. You have finish adaptability. You will be headed to trailheads, at that point stroll back to camp by walking, for two hours or the entire day. Circle around waterholes near the camp, or go out for a stroll in remote mopane forest, a long way from the camp. Blend strolls and drives during that time or stick to two feet. These three days can react to your state of mind, and the regular habitat. Also, much the same as in Mana Pools, these adventures make an emotional closeness with nature. 


Day 9 and Day 10: Hwange National Stop – Restrictive Strolling Safari in a Private Big-Game Concession 

Walk gradually towards the zebra, halting each couple of meters to check their response. Respect their ground-breaking shoulder muscles and one of a kind stripes. At that point look past them to a crowd of hartebeest, who are encompassed by a scattered group of impala. Proceed with the walk and you find a lot more impalas: eland and kudu near the trees, both roan and sable pronghorn in a similar scene. 

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