Tanzania Safaris

Intimate lodges backed by extraordinary game drives are the highlights of Tanzania safari which makes ranks it among the leading romantic and magical safaris across the world. Get marveled by the astounding rolling hills, expansive plains, and home to elephants, wildebeest, zebra, lions, and more.


An Overview of Tanzania Safari Tours

Tanzania is an East Africa country that touches the border of the Indian Ocean, Mozambique, Malawi, Rwanda, Burundi, Zaire, Uganda, and Kenya. It is a land of stunning mountain ranges, beautiful lakes, and serene white sandy beaches which make it a standalone country for having such a spectacular landscape. Tanzania has close proximity to the equator which makes the country a year-round safari destination in Africa. A country is an ideal destination spot when a traveler is indecisive of choosing a holiday destination since it accomplishes all the vacation dreams of traveler. With dense forest, snow-capped mountains and primates, Tanzania is the place where a tourist enjoy a vacation. Adding more to its beauty, a large number of the wildebeest migration happens to take place at the Serengeti in the months of November and December.

Undoubtedly, Tanzania is a sheer paradise on earth having plenty of awe-inspiring natural attractions ranging from the famous Serengeti National Park to idyllic Mount Kilimanjaro. There are three popular regions in Tanzania that are as follows:

The Northern Region of Tanzania

The northern part of Tanzania is dominated by huge open plains and mountains including stratovolcanic mountain Kilimanjaro. It is the most accessible high summit in and around the region. The Ngorongoro Crater and the Serengeti National Park are the scenic splendor of Tanzania that attracts many travelers with thrilling game-viewing and greatest zebra and wildebeest migration. Generally, the northern region is busier than any other region due to being the only region with stratovolcanic mountains and natural beauty of bushlands. This region is safe to travel around but a private guide makes it a perfect safari vacation during Tanzania Safaris Tours.

The Southern Region of Tanzania

The southern part of Tanzania is generally a remote area of the country, where the Selous National Park catches the eyes of tourists. Selous is the heart of Africa whereas the neighboring Ruaha park is popular for the population of giant elephants. These parks are quite warm and welcoming denying the fact of being in a remote region. The boat cruise is the best mode of transportation to reach the Selous park.

The Western Region of Tanzania

The western part of Tanzania is a great hub to three least-visited national parks that are established in the far west. These remote parks are commonly named as Katavi, Gombe Stream, and the Mahale Mountains. Katavi is an ordinary safari destination among the three National Parks. In terms of the geography features of an area, the west region is mainly dominated by Lake Tanganyika which accompanies the Rift Valley floor forming the world's longest freshwater body.

The Different Types of Tanzania Safari Tours

There are several types of safari tours available across Africa and Tanzania that gives access to all the wildlife animals including ‘big five’. Apart from wildlife animals, the country also offers stunning landscapes, interesting culture, and adventurous safaris. The different types of safaris in Tanzania are as follows:

  1. Walking Safari - this safari type entails walking around the National Parks under the guidance of a local guide. In this safari type, a traveler discovers the area more on foot than a vehicle to have a truly impressive experience. This safari includes only a local guide who accompanies you in your journey while guiding the importance of the area. This safari is best-suited to the travelers who wish to have enjoyable wildlife animals and birdlife experiences.

  2. Jeep Safari - this type of safari involves vehicles, especially 4*4 safari jeep or four-wheeler to travel around the National Parks and game-viewing. A jeep safari is a perfect option for travelers who wish to have a relaxing safari experience when exploring the famous areas of Tanzania. There are some famous National Parks such as the Tarangire, Serengeti, and Ngorongoro that can only be explored with a jeep safari. This jeep safari includes the services of a guide and a driver who will take you around in a jeep to have the best wildlife experience.

  3. Balloon Safari - a hot air balloon safari is one of the best ways to get a clear view of the area. This type of safari requires a hot air balloon that takes you high in the sky to give you a bird’s eye view of Tanzania’s wildlife. Besides game-viewing, the beauty of the landscapes and beaches are some other factors that attract tourists. This balloon safari usually begins in the morning with a light breakfast.

  4. Horse Riding Safari - a horse-riding safari is certainly the most adventurous safari among all safaris. This type of safari entails a horse to ride on to explore the most-visited places in Tanzania. A ride on a horse-back offers unique access to the wildlife animals while embracing the scenic beauty of landscapes. It is not required for a tourist to be a horse-rider or having any kind of horse-riding knowledge to actually choose the safari type. Since a tourist accompanied by an expert guide, the novice riders can also choose horse riding safari.

  5. Fly-in Safari -  a fly-in safari is an ideal safari type for exploring remote and wild areas in Tanzania without spending nights there in the wild forest. It is a perfect safari option for a short vacation as it begins right from the main arrival port and returns back when the safari day-trip is over.

Watching the wildlife animals during Tanzania Safari Tours is a truly memorable experience. It is advisable to spend some time on choosing the right kind of safari for your vacation.

Some Unique Experiences in Tanzania to Treasure

To have a safari trip of a lifetime, here are some safari destinations offering memorable adventures during Tanzania Safari Tours.

Serengeti National Park - the largest National Park in Tanzania

One of the oldest parks in Tanzania, which is home to the greatest wildlife animals along with the millions of migration of wildebeest and zebra. It has the greatest wildlife sanctuary in the world having millions of wildlife animals such as elephants, buffaloes, gazelles, big cats, and giraffes. The park is segregated into three main sections that are Serengit, Grumeti River, and Kenya’s Masai Mara Reserve. The southern part, Seronera Valley, is termed as the Serengit” by the Maasai which means the land of endless plains, has wildlife animals. The western part has dominated by the Grumeti River with dense and dark forest. The least visited part is Kenya’s Masai Mara Reserve, the northern part of the Park that connects with the Lobo area.

Mount Kilimanjaro - the highest mountain in the northeast, Tanzania

Mount Kilimanjaro is not only the highest mountain in the northeast, Tanzania, but it is the largest inactive stratovolcano across the globe. This mountain peak is the most amazing and stupendous peak on the continent. Mount Kilimanjaro is the most accessible high-peak mountain that is suitable for novice climbers only when they are physically fit. When it comes to the climatic conditions on the mountain, the weather is neither too cold nor too hot in the region. This is because of the mountain’s close proximity with the equator that keeps the climate moderate. The best time to climb Mount Kilimanjaro is between September to February. January and February are known as the hottest months, whereas June and July are the coolest months of the year. Contrarily, April and May are considered as the wettest months, and August and September are best known as the driest months.

Tarangire National Park - a park holding the greatest wildlife concentration in Tanzania

Tarangire National Park is the least-visited parks in Tanzania but it is one of the largest parks holding a huge number of wildlife animals such as elephants, cheetahs, etc. The park is surrounded by the beautiful baobabs and acacia trees which enhance the overall beauty of the area. The famous Tarangire River which is named after the park is usually dry as compared to the Serengeti park, however, the vegetation in Tanzania is much greener due to the abundance of Napier grass, and baobab trees.

There are many animals that leave the park between November to May. This group of animals including the wildebeests and zebras move to the north-western part of Tanzania, where the Rift Valley is situated. The best time for spotting wildlife animals in Tanzania is between dry season (June - September) and is noted as the best time to enjoy game-viewing during Tanzania Safari Tours.

Ngorongoro Crater - the world’s largest unbroken caldera

The world’s largest intact caldera and once an enormous volcano, the Ngorongoro Crater in Northern Tanzania offers a breathtaking sight. To seeing its gigantic caldera, it can be imagined that it would have been the highest volcanic peak in Africa. Today, the steep forest and slopes are a hub to the black rhino and crater floor supports buffaloes, wildebeests, gazelles, hippos, zebras and a large number of bird species. When it comes to a great time to visit the Ngorongoro Crater, anytime in any season is the best time to catch wildlife. However, from May to October, the months are considered as the drier season of the year.

Selous Game Reserve - the world’s largest game reserve

Selous Game Reserve is worldly renowned as the largest game reserve with dramatic landscapes and the greatest wildlife concentration. Being an isolated and quiet place, it attracts a lot of tourists every year offering peace with a striking variety of fauna and flora. Selous Game Reserve is the best game reserve among other game reserves that offer an opportunity to discover a wide variety of wildlife and landscapes on foot.

The Selous has some excellent virgin bushlands in Africa where giant elephants and lions are spotted. The three modes of transportation available to get to the Selous Game Reserve are rail, fly-ins, road trip. Since it is an underrated place in Tanzania which makes it the best place to visit for tourists who wish to have peace during Tanzania Safari Tours. The great time for wildlife viewing in Selous Game Reserve is between from June to October. It is Dry season of the year which makes wildlife animals easier to spot.

Saadani National Park - the only sea bordering wildlife sanctuary in Tanzania

Saadani National Park is the thirteenth National Park in Tanzania located in the east of the country offering a unique amalgamation of marine and landscapes. Wami River is a place where hippos, crocodiles and riverine birds share a space. Crocodiles and hippos are spotted during boat safaris and walking safaris within the premises of Wami River.

Saadani is the only wildlife sanctuary in East Africa boasting the Indian Ocean where the white sand beach and blue water are the highlights of the sea. It is one of the best places to relax and enjoy fishing once done with the game drive. Apart from game-viewing, hippo-spotting is the second best adventure activities that catch all the attention of the tourists. Boat safaris, swimming, walking safaris are something that can’t be ignored during Tanzania Safari Tours.

Zanzibar - the Spice Island in Tanzania

Zanzibar is a beautiful island located on Africa’s east coast with evoking palm-fringed coastlines, idyllic white sandy beaches and clear water of the Indian Ocean. This island was the key trading point of the sultans of yesteryear and this is why it is known as the spice island of Tanzania. The marveling architecture of the Stone Town, Arab forts and local markets with special spices have made this island famous among tourists.

To best experience African Safari Tanzania, it is suggested to book an African safari vacation with the experts.

The Great Time To Have Tanzania Safari Tours

The great time for wildlife game viewing in Tanzania is during the dry season when almost all the wildlife animals come to the river. June and July are the best months for watching the wildebeest migration in the Serengeti whereas late January and early February are the best time to seeing the wildebeest calving. Only southern and western parks in Tanzania are best visited during the Dry season that falls between the months of June to October. In contrast, the northern park can be visited throughout the year. However, Tarangire happens to be the best place for game viewing which is considerably better in the Dry season.

Great Months To Visit Tanzania

  1. June to October - the great months for visiting almost all the National Parks like Saadani National Park, Ngorongoro Crater, Tarangire, etc.  

  2. June to July - the best months for the wildebeest migration in Serengeti.

  3. January to February - considerably good months for seeing the wildebeest calving.

Peak Time To Visit Tanzania

  1. July to March - the best months to visit the northern parks in Tanzania.

  2. July to October - the best time for visiting the southern and western parks; however, these are the parks that never get crowded in any season.

Low Season To Visit Tanzania

- April to May - the northern parks manage to pull off the crowd in these months but the southern and western parks hardly get any crowd there during this period of time.

Best Weather in Tanzania

- June to October -  a little rainfall or no rainfall which makes it the best time for game viewing.

Bad Weather in Tanzania

- March to April - peak months of the wet season which cut down the tourism in the area.

Here are the highlights of the dry and wet seasons in Tanzania:

Dry Season - June to October  

  1. June and July are considerably known as the best months for seeing the wildebeest migration.

  2. The wildlife concentration is easy to spot during the dry season.

  3. The skies are clear and there is no presence of mosquitoes due to less or no rainfall during these months.

  4. There is less crowd during the Dry season that attracts tourists seeking peace and isolation.

  5. The Seronera and the Ngorongoro Crater are the parks that are crowded throughout the year.

  6. During the months of June, July, and August, the early mornings and nights are comparatively colder than the day time.

Wet Season - November to May

  1. Late January and early February are a great time to watch calving in the southern Serengeti.

  2. The wet season is an ideal time to see predator action.

  3. The dry season is the best time to see the wildlife game viewing; however, the wet season is perfect to photograph the scenic beauty of the area.

  4. Bird-watching is at its best during the dry season.

  5. March, April, and May are the months when the Wet season is at its peak.

Best Time To Visit National Parks During Tanzania Safari Tours

  1. The Serengeti National Park - June to October

  2. The Ngorongoro Crater - Throughout the year

  3. Gombe National Park - July to October

  4. Katavi National Park - August to October

African Tanzania Safari Camps and Lodges

When it comes to the best accommodation in Tanzania, a wide range of luxury safari lodges and tented camps are some of the best options available in Tanzania. When planning to make Tanzania safari tours, it is suggested to pick the best accommodation option that would suit your choice:

Safari Lodges:

A wide range of safari lodges is available in Tanzania offering an eco-friendly and comfortable environment. These lodges are an ideal option for travelers seeking out for peace, comfort, and luxury simultaneously. The best part about these lodges is that they are situated near the major parks and they are quite budget-friendly. These lodges are divided into three tiers, depending upon the budget and preferences of the tourists. All the accommodation facilities correlate to the type of tier standard for lodge amenities.

Tented Camps:

The tented camps are quite similar to safari lodges which are made of the tent and guest tents. The basic difference between lodges and tented camps is that lodges are stone-built or wood-built whereas, the tented camps are of canvas tents. They tented camps are more available near the National Parks and game reserve.  

Always ask the travel expert before making accommodation bookings during Tanzania Safari Tours.

Legal Formalities - Visa and Passport Requirements

Only North American and European are required to have a visa before traveling to Tanzania. The visa is valid for 6 months at least and it gets expired, make sure to renew it before the government servant takes an action against you. Before making any payment, it is advisable to make sure that you have clean US dollar bills.  

Health And Safety Measures To Consider While Tanzania Safari Tours

Safety Measures:

Tanzania is a safe country with almost no crime rates. However, there are some safety measures that shouldn’t be avoided while traveling to Tanzania. They are as follows:

  1. Skip taking isolated roads or stretches of beach.

  2. Book a cab to travel around at night for the safety purpose when traveling around the cities.

  3. Book cab only from the reputed hotel or cab services.

  4. Do not carry cash along with you.

  5. Do not pay cash for a safari tour in advance.

Health Measures:

Medical assistance is not easily available in Tanzania, though, there are no such high medical alerts for tourist. It is always wise to be on the safer side when traveling abroad, hence, you have to be medically equipped with the following:

  1. Carry a travel first-aid kit consisting of basic healthcare products such as bandages, antibiotics, etc. when traveling to Tanzania.

  2. Drink only bottled water to prevent the chances of cholera.

  3. Always take medication for Malaria Borne Diseases.

  4. Carry hand sanitizer with you to kill germs and bacteria.  

The aforementioned information keeps you safe and healthy. Therefore, follow the instructions carefully to stay healthy during your stay in Tanzania.

Tanzania is a country with a rich cultural heritage framing a wide range of ethnic groups, religions, and tribes. The natives of Tanzania are quite friendly and polite in their speech, however, there are many things that keep Tanzanian in the good books of tourists.

  1. Tanzanian have a polite way to greet others with a gentle shakehand and simple Hello.   

  2. The pitch of their voice is low and they do not emphasis on having a fast life.

  3. They always respect elders and senior citizens while being cordial with them.

  4. When it comes to hospitality, they warmly invite visitors and serve them with traditional food to give them an idea of their magical ingredients.  


The first language of Tanzanians depends upon the ethnic group from which they belong to, apart from them, most of them speak English and Swahili.


Most of Tanzanians are friendly, kind and warmly welcomes visitors to their home. Once the bond is good with the visitors, they invite them home for dinner or lunch.

Eating Customs

When eating together, Tanzanians have a very surprising tradition of eating separately. Males and females don’t eat in the same room even if they are relatives.

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