Witness the Great Zebra Migration across Kalahari in this 10 Days Botswana Safari Itinerary

Author: Priyanka Saxena on Oct 25,2018

Drench into the heritage of Botswana which for the most part covers the tracks of wild creatures who make this wonderful place their home. Be that as it may, aside from all the investigated parts of Botswana, some still stay covered up. It is this time when you can encounter Africa's most prominent mystery of Zebra Migration. In this wonderfully structured 10 Days Botswana Safari, we convey you closer to watching and understanding the procedure of relocation when in excess of 30,000 arrangements of Zebras move through the floodplains as they venture south in the early months of the year. You can watch this activity from the Safari vans or stroll with them under the direction of your guide. Every goal gives a plenty of safari encounters, uncovering the movement from progressively exciting edges. Amusement drives enable you to pursue the groups as they navigate the rich grounds. Strolling safaris convey you to a relatively dreadful closeness, while elevated voyages supply dreamlike scenes of the activity. 

Botswana Safari Package Highlights:

  • Experiencing the uncommon wonder of Zebra movement crosswise over three unmistakable natural life holds.
  • Spending three days on the edge of Okavango, investigating the floodplains
  • Marvelling at the enormous Zebra crowds that ravage over the Nxai Pan from your private verandah.
  • Journey south to the shocking Makgadikgadi Pans and complete your excursion where the zebra do, at the evident Boteti River
  • Quad bicycle over the gleaming Makgadikgadi Salt Pans and find a lunar-like scene that resists the eyes


Botswana Safari Itinerary at a Glance:

  • Day 1: Arrival and getting first looks of Botswana's Abundant Wildlife
  • Day 2: Game Drives Through the Okavango Floodplains
  • Day 3: Exploring the Lush Okavango Waterways
  • Day 4: Checking out the Huge herds moving in Nxai
  • Day 5: Walking Safari and Thrilling Proximity
  • Day 6: Big Cat Action and Endless Vistas
  • Day 7: Following the Zebra to Makgadikgadi
  • Day 8: Lost on the Shimmering Salt Pans
  • Day 9: Get on the final Safari
  • Day 10: Farewell to Africa's Best Kept Secret

Tour Price

Our private tours typically range from $500 - $1000 per person/per night depending on chosen hotels and room categories, vehicles used, types of tours, flight cost, time of year and other factors. Make an inquiry for a customized trip quote.

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Detailed Itinerary

Day 1: First Glimpses at Botswana's Abundant Wildlife 

Botswana's wild is best comprehended from the air. Look out of the window and look down on unlimited regions of burned savannah and lavish conduits. Fly into Maun, focal Botswana, and after that take a light flying machine to Khwai Concession, beginning your safari of Botswana at the northern edge of zebra arrive. Amid a large portion of the year, the crowds are spread over huge separations that incorporate the Southern Okavango, southern stretches of Chobe National Park, and shrinking territories north of Nxai Pan. Subside into your extravagance camp and start the experience with a diversion drive through the immaculate wild. 


Day 2: Game Drives Through the Khwai Concession 

This schedule isn't just about zebras. Crash into the mopane woods, following the swathes of evacuated trees and searching out the gigantic elephant bulls that proceed with their relentless decimation. They crush at the trunks, planning to get at the nutritious bark. A couple of meters higher, giraffes are nourishing from the woodland shade, their smooth developments giving a peaceful safari minute. Khwai frequently appears to be quiet and serene. Look out over an otherworldly land and nothing energizing is obvious to the exposed eye. In any case, your guide realizes where to look. Hiding between the high grasses is a bunch of child kudu. Covered up on a tree limb you recognize according to a resting panther. Abruptly a Sable pronghorn adjusts a corner and enchantingly meanders past. Go on long morning and evening diversion drives, investigating all sides of this private concession, and savouring your very own bit of Botswana's renowned natural life world. 


Day 3: Exploring the Lush Okavango Waterways 

As the sun makes its relentless ascent, the Okavango conduits start to sparkle orange and red. Delicate oar strokes take you along antiquated channels and nature's extraordinary well evolved creatures give a wondrous reminder. Hippos rambunctiously run after to the water, pushing and snorting as they vie for relaxing space. Bigger guys push out youthful fakers, consigning them to a less attractive spot far from the females. In a conventional uncovered mokoro or kayak, you can get thrillingly close. Eyes and noses peer out, while latecomers make their loud trudges down into the stream. 


Day 4: Checking out the Huge herds moving in Nxai 

Amid the dry months, a white illusion shines over the Nxai Salt Pan. In any case, it's been sprinkling, hard. Presently the skillet turns into nature's mirror, a layer of water perfectly mirroring the sky and all the hooves that raid over. From December onwards, a huge number of zebra cross these overwhelmed fields. Colossal territories prosper and prolific meadow winds up ungulate paradise. Correct timings rely upon the downpours, yet there is normally an a multi-month window when Nxai turns into nature's extraordinary stage. You'll travel to a separated airstrip and rest in a disconnected camp that backs onto the activity. A private gallery offers unrivalled vistas and the natural life regularly comes to you. So kick back and watch humongous crowds touch alongside your entryway. Go to the en-suite restroom and come back to the overhang to see a large number of zebra jogging over the skillet. 


Day 5: Walking Safari and Thrilling Proximity 

Wake up and open the window ornaments. What's there? Maybe a little crowd of kudu? Perhaps proof of elephant prints? Likely a couple of zebra crowds out there. Meet with your accomplished guide and sort out the intimations that encompass the camp. In only a couple of minutes, you have an image, and your stroll into the bramble pursues the signs. Track the zebra onto the fields, challenging yourself to draw nearer and closer. Go moderate and they wouldn't fret your essence. Be that as it may, one energized yell and several them trot away. You're not by any means the only thing out following. This is an enormous feline nation. There's an intrinsic excite to a mobile safari, realizing that you're navigating a scene that abounds with nature's incredible predators. That is the reason you don't simply begin carelessly strolling. Your guide picks a course that gets you close, however, guarantees that no superfluous dangers are taken. So hold your breath, walk quietly, and appreciate the plentiful fields from an exciting closeness. 


Day 6: Big Cat Action and Endless Vistas 

You can't miss the 25,000 moving zebra. While traditionalists just found this wonder as of late, enormous felines have been following the hooves for a considerable length of time. Cheetahs keep a cautious separation, utilizing the undulating sandbanks as spreads for their assaults. Lions get the best table at the meal, diverse feelings of pride escorting the relocation as it travels south. At that point, an inhabitant accumulation of panthers and others appreciate the abundance as it crosses their fix. While the zebra is relocating they're not consistently moving south. They're eating as they go, crushing tremendous swathes of meadow and filling out. Amazingly, they are additionally mating and calving. Zebras have a year growth period, so half a month in the wake of conceiving an offspring, they start to reproduce once more. 


Day 7: Following the Zebra to Makgadikgadi 

By March and April, the zebra achieves the rich grounds of Makgadikgadi Pans, a huge stretch of national stop that is contiguous the Central Kalahari Game Reserve. They, for the most part, complete their adventure at the Boteti River, a lasting through the year water source that nullifies the need to go any further south. You can hope to see vast groups as far as possible up to August, despite the fact that the best sights require timing your excursion to correspond with the genuine relocation. A great many hooves roll past, sprinkling up water as they cross overwhelmed fields. They transform the green scene into a highly contrasting canvas that wanders and swerves all at once. 

Fly over this one of a kind scene by taking a light airship to the Makgadikgadi Pans. As the crowd jogs and spreads out you can piercingly follow their adventure, following a line from the ate up grass to the rich new fields. Land in Makgadikgadi and watch everything unfurl from another verandah. Like dependably, you're in a segregated piece of Botswana that infrequently observes individuals and you're encompassed by one of nature's most prominent scenes. The season of your visit and the season of the downpours will direct when and where you see the biggest crowds. Nxai Pan will be best in the early months of the year, while Makgadikgadi gets a greater amount of the activity come March and April. In any case, no relocation includes one strong bundle of creatures moving together. Excited early sprinters set the pace, family crowds gradually pursue, and some stay behind to finish the rest of the grass. 


Day 8: Lost on the Shimmering Salt Pans 

Your consideration moves from the natural life for a morning. A shining salt cover reaches out over a zone that overshadows some European nations. Look out and the hallucination plays traps on the eyes, suspending over the ground like a supernatural moving floor covering. Lose yourself in the lunar-like scene by going on a morning quad bicycle experience over the Makgadikgadi Salt Pan. Pursue your guide's trails and gradually turned out to be confused at one of the planet's most strange scenes. Sparkling white totally encompasses you and it shows up there is nothing that breaks the salt's dullness. In any case, look carefully. Elephant prints wander and afterwards vanish. Forlorn ostrich meanders past as you shake your head in astonishment. Sandbanks cover up uncommon birdlife. After a long morning of the investigation, come back to the camp for some more zebra activity. 


Day 9: Get on the final Safari 

You've followed the zebra as far as possible of their voyage and today you appreciate the Boteti River's devour. Groups are running down from the skyline, apparently dashing each other as the water comes into focus. As residue whirls and hooves sprinkle in the shallows, you have one last day of beautiful photograph openings and permanent high contrast striped scenes. Take a cookout and watch everything unfurl, keeping your eyes stripped for the enormous felines that likewise made a transitory adventure. Predators have additionally ventured from the south, timing their arrival. 


Day 10: Farewell to Africa's Best Kept Secret 

A short container flight takes you back to Maun, where a booked morning takeoff flies to Johannesburg and interfaces with your arrival flight. A great many people can hardly wait to educate the world concerning their African safari encounter. In any case, any individual who has pursued the zebra relocation is somewhat reluctant to communicate it to the world. Safari administrators in Botswana have just barely found it, and at the present time, the brilliant absence of groups makes this one of Africa's most noteworthy encounters. Long may it remain along these lines!

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